Teachers & Students
Learning ICT Today
Leading ICT Tomorrow

Providing ICT training and improving access to computers to bridge the digital divide and digital gender gap in education.

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ADAI-Mt. Wati Secondary School Photo By Arthur Mukunya:- Students learning ICT

Teachers Training Photo By Dayan Amandu Ogunu:- Teachers ICT Training During School Holidays

State of ICT - Program Justification.

Investing, setting up, and maintaining a computer lab for most schools in Uganda and Africa at large is quite a capital-intensive endeavor.

In Uganda, it is estimated that less than 10% of schools have well-stocked and functioning computer labs yet there are over 15 million school-going children.

It's estimated that only 5% of these children have proper access to computers. Thus, an estimation of about 50% of people that join Ugandan universities have not interacted with or do not know how to operate a computer.

This is highly attributed to a lack of access to functional computers from an early stage of education.

ADAI seeks to solve the challenge of low access

  • By improving access to ICT equipment, mainly computers (Laptops), to schools and institutions that do not have the financial capacity to buy and maintain computers on their premises.
  • By providing tailor-made digital skills training sessions for schools, universities, and other institutions.

Through ADAI, schools and institutions hire and pay for ICT education on demand. This system allows schools to pay for computers and skilled trainers only when they need them.
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Why Choose ADAI Program?

We provide an alternative to sustainable and cost effective ICT solutions for the Students and Teachers. Having access to computers is not obvious in the sub saharan area. This is because of the underlying conditions such as access to electricty, access to internet, maintance expenses among others. We bring a solution of shared access model. Hire a computer for when you need it and get more than access to the equipment but also support interms of ICT skilling with marketplace advantages.

Computing Market Basics

Are you a teacher out there and need to improve your ICT knowledge with marketplace skills such as email, online profiling among other basics!!! ASK NO MORE Sign Up as a School for the services

OpenStreetMap In Schools

Learning about OpenStreetMap for both teachers and students is beneficial in many ways. Get to learn computing skills as you improve the map in your community that will support in research, and informed decision making by the leaders since community based information is more accurate than hear-say data.


As a child you are curious most especially with things around you as you explore to understand how they work. But as the education system teaches us more skills we tend to loose the touch of making (developing). On the program we provide services to promote the enginuity of the young generation. Let's make machines together.

Our Partners

OpenStreetMap Uganda - ADAI
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team - ADAI
Open Mapping Hub East & Southern Africa - ADAI
Sustainable Development Goals Today - ADAI
Busitema University - ADAI
Kabale University - ADAI
Makerere University - ADAI
muni-university - ADAI